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The Future of Breed Registry

ABRI is excited to announce the redesign of our International Livestock Registry (ILR) suite of products. With a history spanning back to the 1980’s, ILR 2, ILR Online and Internet Solutions has been a steadfast companion to seed-stock farmers and Breed Societies around the world. As technology progresses and industry needs evolve, it is time for a new chapter. 

Mark Christian, our Chief Product Officer has been meeting with clients and facilitating workshop discussions on the future of our software. This has resulted in an intensive 12-week design phase that commenced this month with the support of Datacom, a New Zealand-based consultancy firm with an extensive experience in agricultural technology transformation.   

To lead this effort, we have recruited several key staff. Our new Chief Technical Officer (CTO), Colby Funnel brings decades of experience in leading technology teams. Colby is responsible for our software development, IT and ILR2 support teams. Nik Sreedhar joins us the Product manager for breed registry software. He will ensure that what we build is fit for purpose, scalable and meets the needs of our clients globally. Lastly Christy Riley has joined ABRI as our new Customer Service Manager. Christy will be your main point of contact for your service-related needs and can be contacted on 02 6773 5377 or christy.riley@abri.une.edu.au

Key to the success of building the new generation of breed registry software is the involvement of our clients and users. We are actively seeking direct engagement with many of our clients to gather your invaluable feedback, perspectives, and insights. Moreover, we extend an invitation to connect with us and share any additional ideas you may have.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to Nik Sreedhar 0414 557 157 or nikhil.sreedhar@abri.une.edu.au. We welcome your input and collaboration

Please download the flyer to share to your networks https://ausmfiletransfer01.blob.core.windows.net/ausmsnpextract01/ABRI_The_Future_of_the_Breed_Registry.pdf

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